Most Ridiculous Item of the Day

THIS IS ONLY A TEST: Education in America is clearly unbiased--just like BBC reporting.
A high school teacher is facing questions from administrators after giving a vocabulary quiz that included insults directed toward President Bush. Bret Chenkin, a social studies and English teacher, asked students to pick the proper words to complete sentences.
Sentences like: "I wish Bush would be (coherent, eschewed) for once during a speech, but there are theories that his everyday diction charms the below-average mind, hence ensuring him Republican votes."
Bret Chenkin is an "incoherent left-wing nut indoctrinating our children" is the right answer.
For his part, Mr. Chenkin claims his quizzes are being taken out of context and he'll include both views "if it's going to cause a lot of grief." Jeez, this is a vocabulary test, there's not a need to present any views when testing if kids know the difference between coherent and eschewed.
Okay, unless the kiddies are reading works of George Orwell and the like, English shouldn't be a subject with much political dialogue.
Let Principal Sue Maguire know how you feel.
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Judging by your spelling, grammer, political tilt, and punctuation you are apparently learning quite a bit in his class!
Can't you Republicans focus on something more important and worthwhile? Perhaps bringing soldiers home from Iraq would be a nice Christmas present for the thousands of families whose loved ones are risking their lives every day for a hopeless cause. Maybe we could also give some thought to solving the apparent problems with the public education system instead of picking on high school seniors.
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