Hey, You Sunk Our Battleship!

BECAUSE THE COLD WAR WASN'T THAT IMPORTANT ANYWAY: Don't get me wrong. I love sourdough bread as much as the next kid, but what's up with San Francisco?
As Independent Sources pointed out San Francisco’s supervisors have refused to support moving the battleship Iowa to the city as a floating museum of World War II and the Cold War. Not that I'm really into more government spending, but the reason is ridiculous:
Supervisor Bevan Dufty, who is gay, said the military’s policy on gays and lesbians influenced his vote and that of Supervisor Tom Ammiano, who also is gay, against a battleship Iowa museum for San Francisco.
“For Tom and I it’s very difficult to advocate for some military honor thing when people are being harassed and even killed and are unable to serve in the military because they are gay and lesbian,'’ Dufty said.
Huh. Some military honor thing?