Bono Update, Part Trois

"I'm a Bono Fan:" You must all be clamoring to know--what is happening in the world of Ireland's preeminent rocker/AIDS activist/proponent of sunglasses indoors? Well my friends, not quite that much since the G8...other than like touring and being a rockstar and stuff...
But fear not. Bono has been in the news. One peripheral (and nearly apolitical) development concerns Bono's relationship with Jesse Helms. At the risk of turning this blog into a poorly-run verson of E's Awful Truth, here it goes.
Jesse Helms will apparently declare in his soon to be released memoirs, "Here’s Where I Stand,” that Bono is "an enormously impressive gentleman” and he is a fan.
Just one more North Carolina Republican that Bono has wooed with his bewitching politicking.