
GONZO FOR GONZALES: For as much time the news shows have (rightfully) dedicated to the O'Connor retirement / replacement speculation, the shows have focused on only one person: Alberto Gonzales. Nevermind that the speculated short list includes upwards of a dozen people. Some get mentioned in passing, like J. Michael Luttig and Emilio Garza, but it's all Gonzales all the time on these shows. Suddenly, the man vilified for Guantanamo Bay and Abu-Ghraib is the darling of the liberal media.

I believe this is because the Tim Russerts, Chris Matthews, and George Stephanopolouses of the world think that if they discuss Gonzales enough, conventional wisdom will make him the nominee, and then Bush will have to nominate Gonzales, the most liberal person on the short list, far and away.

Excluding James Dobson, only the Tim Russerts, Chris Matthews, and George Stephanopolouses of the world are arrogant to think that they can twist the arm of the president. Bush is going to nominate whomever he pleases, no matter what any interest group wants.

I understand that he has the most name recognition of the persons on the suspected short list, but still, other candidates at least deserve a little discussion.

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