
PUT DOWN THAT BIC: Sure, things aren't looking good for the Kerry-Edwards campaign, but it isn't reason to contemplate suicide, is it? Obviously it isn't, unless you are Joe Killian of The Carolinian's opinions page, who said in a recent column:

I read recently that more than million people the world over take their lives every year - more than are murdered or killed in wars. The latest World Health Organization figures suggest a suicide takes place every forty seconds, somewhere in the world.

And so it's not hard to imagine that on November 3rd, if the election can be called by then, there might be a sort of grim mass exodus from this sad planet should Bush pull this election out. My generation may be particularly vulnerable to the urge to lay back in a warm bath and open up their veins as chants of "Four More Years" echo horribly from every 24 hour cable news station.

Seriously, an election is nothing worth suicide. If, God forbid, John Kerry were to win the election on November 2nd, I can tell you that rest assured I will wake up and go about the day as normally as I can, joining the new role that Republicans would find themselves in - the role of loyal opposition.

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